Community Engagement

Ambassador Bridge Donates Meals in Southwest Detroit

On Monday November 23rd the Ambassador Bridge partnered with members of the state legislature, Detroit City Council, and several local churches and community groups to serve families who have been impacted by COVID-19. The Ambassador Bridge Turkey Giveaway is an annual tradition for the Bridge Company, but this was a record-breaking year with 500 turkeys distributed to families in Southwest Detroit as well as canned goods and fresh produce.

Due to the pandemic, the event was completely outdoors and individuals drove up throughout the day to have turkeys loaded into their cars by volunteers. Supplies were also delivered to those unable to leave their homes.

Sergeant Michael Gutuerrez of the Detroit Police Department Fourth Precinct said, “it was great to see the Bridge Company partner with community leaders for this event. We had elected officials delivering turkeys across the city and cars lined up to get supplies for their Thanksgiving meal. I think this will really make a difference to folks in the neighborhood.”

The Ambassador Bridge would like to thank the Detroit Police Department Fourth Precinct for their assistance with the event and the team at Plaza Del Sol for their partnership.


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